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Marking Course Cardiff 2018

What an incredible match. Julie Thomas and Gilly Miles have won Commonwealth Bronze on an extra end. The last bowl from Gilly was described as the best of the Games! And what a shot it was. We are so proud of Gilly and Julie. Congratulations to you both! A special well done to John Wilson and John Byron too. Fantastic every one of you.


In an incredible Men's Pairs final, Dan Salmon and Marc Wyatt won the Gold medal beating strong favourites Paul Foster and Alex Marshall 12-10. An absolutely outstanding achievement and the whole of Welsh Bowls are immensely proud of you both. 

IMG 1181

Congratulations to Laura Daniels on winning a silver medal in her first Commonwealth Games. Amazing achievement and Wales is so proud of you!

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Follow Team Wales results at the Commonwealth Games Gold Coast 2018. We Are Red!





The Ladies National Competition Draws are now available online.

Go to Competitions > Ladies > National Finals 2018

CG Lawn Bowls Draw Page 1

CG Lawn Bowls Draw Page 2

Inside Bowls Magazine is a free online magazine covering bowls across the world, both outdoor and indoor. Click on the links below to open up the online magazine edition. You can find the Magazine link on our website at ABOUT > INSIDE BOWLS MAGAZINE

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April 2017

The Academy Super Ten fixtures are now available online. Click on the link below or you can find them under TEAMS > MENS > ACADEMY menu.

Super 10 Tournament

Ross Owen has won the silver medal at the World Youth Championships. He lost to Aaron Teys (AUS) in the final. Congratulations to Aaron on his victory. We are incredibly proud of Ross who has done Wales proud. Well done Ross on a magnificent achievement. Wales has now produced a gold and a silver at these championships in the last two years so the future is very bright!

ross owen


Day 7:

Men's singles:
Final: Aaron Teys (Australia) bt Ross Owen (Wales) 21-12

Women's singles:
Final: Katelyn Inch (New Zealand) bt Kristina Krstic (Australia) 21-13

Mixed pairs:
Final: Ellen Ryan, Aaron Teys (Australia) bt Shae Wilson (Norfolk Island), Ryan Burnett (Scotland) 20-5.

Day 6:

Men’s singles:

Elimination finals: Corey Wedlock (AUS) bt Ryan Burnett (SCO) 21-14, Ross Owen (WAL) bt Jason Choi (HKC) 21-12.

Semi finals: Aaron Teys (AUS) bt Corey Wedlock (AUS) 21-13, Ross Owen (WAL) bt Daeng Dahasry (MAS) 21-15.

Women’s singles:

Elimination finals: Katelyn Inch (NZL) bt Shae Wilson (NFI) 21-17, Kristina Krstic (AUS) bt Chloe Stewart (AUS) 21-17.

Semi finals: Katelyn Inch (NZL) bt Ellen Ryan (AUS) 21-15, Kristina Krstic (AUS) bt Tayla Bruce (NZL) 21-7.

Mixed pairs:

Semi finals: Shae Wilson (NFI), Ryan Burnett (SCO) bt Kristina Krstic, Corey Wedlock (AUS) 23-18, Ellen Ryan, Aaron Teys (AUS) bt Connie Rixon (MLT), Cabous Olivier (NAM) 17-16.

Day 5:

Men’s singles:
Sec.1: Rd.8: Connor Rabey (GUE) bt Ryan Burnett (SCO) 21-13, Rory Soden (NZL) bt Alok Lakra (IND) 21-13, James Po (HKC) bt Allan Kautu (PNG) 21-15, Aaron Teys (AUS) bt Rob Law (CAN) 21-5. Rd.9: Burnett bt Law 21-14, C Rabey bt Kautu 21-5, Po bt Soden 21-18, Ross Owen (WAL) bt Lakra 21-13.

Final standings: Teys 21 points +86 shots, Owen 18 +46, Burnett 12 +26, Soden 12 +7, Lakra 12 +1, Po 12 -16, C Rabey 12 -46, Law 6 -46, Kautu 3 -82.

Sec.2: Rd.8: Gariga Babona (PNG) bt Jason Choi (HKC) 21-16, Keanu Darby (NZL) bt John Byrne (IRE) 21-12, Corey Wedlock (AUS) bt Cameron Lefresne (CAN) 21-12, Daeng Dahasry (MAS) bt Cabous Olivier (NAM) 21-4. Rd.9: Choi bt Darby 21-6, Lefresne bt Babona 21-14, Olivier bt Byrne 21-19, Dahasry bt Sercan Yanik (TUR) 21-3.

Final standings: Dahasry 21 points +61 shots, Wedlock 18 +49, Choi 15 +33, Babona 15 +23, Darby 12 +12, Lefresne 12 -18, Olivier 12 -27, Byrne 3 -35, Yanik 0 -98.

Women’s singles:
Sec.1: Rd.8: Jodie McCarthy (WAL) bt Angel So (HKC) 21-17, Ellen Ryan (AUS) bt Sophie Rabey (GUE) 21-6, Katelyn Inch (NZL) bt Connie Rixon (MAL) 21-11. Rd.9: S Rabey bt McCarthy 21-16, Chloe Stewart (AUS) bt So 21-7, Ryan bt Pricilla Westlake (CAN) 21-19.

Final standings: Ryan 21 points +58 shots, Inch 18 +43, Stewart 15 +39, Rixon 12 +7, Westlake 9 -1, S Rabey 6 -49, McCarthy 3 -34, So 0-63.

Sec.2: Rd.8: Kristina Krstic (AUS) bt Carah Webster (CAN) 21-7, Piwena Karkar (PNG) bt Yunse Ha (HKC) 21-12, Shae Wilson (NFI) bt Megan Wilson (IRE) 21-8, Tayla Bruce (NZL) bt Nur Ain Tarmizi (MAS) 21-9. Rd.9: S Wilson bt Ha 21-9, Webster bt Karkar 21-14, Bruce bt M Wilson 21-13, Tarmizi bt Alara Tosuner (TUR) 21-6.

Final standings: Bruce 21 points +87 shots, Krstic 21 +76, S Wilson 18 +46, Tarmizi 15 +15, M Wilson 12 -3, Webster 9 -11, Karkar 9 -25, Ha 3 -63, Tosuner 0 -122.

Mixed pairs:
Sec.1: Rd.9: Connie Rixon (MAL), Cabous Olivier (NAM) bt Yunse Ha, Jason Choi (HKC) 16-12, Nur Ain Tarmizi, Daeng Dahastry (MAS) bt Alara Tosuner, Sercan Yanik (TUR) 32-8, Sophie Rabey, Connor Rabey (GUE) bt Tayla Bruce, Keanu Darby (NZL) 18-15, Piwen Karkar, Gariga Babona (PNG) bt Pricilla Westlake, Rob Law (CAN) 14-10.

Final standings: Kristina Krstic, Corey Wedlock (AUS) 22 points +99 shots, Rixon, Olivier 18 +30, Tarmizi, Dahastry 13 +25, Bruce, Darby 12 +18, Westlake, Law 12 +15, Karkar, Babona 12 +11, S Rabey, C Rabey 12 -24, Ha, Choi 6 -33, Tosuner, Yanik 0 -141.

Sec.2: Rd.9: Angel So, James Po (HKC) bt Shae Wilson (NFI), Ryan Burnett (SCO) 11-10, Megan Wilson, John Byrne (IRE) bt Katelyn Inch, Rory Soden (NZL) 13-7, Chloe Stewart (AUS), Allan Kautu (PNG) bt Carah Webster, Cameron Lefresne (CAN) 15-12.

Final standings: Ellen Ryan, Aaron Teys (AUS) 18 points +70 shots, Wilson, Burnett 15 +36, So, Po 12 -18, Inch, Soden 10 +15, Jodie McCarthy, Ross Owen (WAL) 10 -10, Stewart, Kautu 9 -33, Wilson, Byrne 6 -37, Webster, Lefresne 3 -23.

Elimination finals: S Wilson (NFI), Burnett (SCO) bt Tarmizi, Dahastry (MAS) 16-14, Rixon (MAL), Olivier (NAM) bt So, Po (HKC) 19-12.

Day 4:

Men's singles:

Sec.1: Rd.4: Rory Soden (NZL) bt Rob Law (CAN) 21-7, Aaron Teys (AUS) bt Ryan Burnett (SCO) 21-13, Alok Lakra (IND) bt Connor Rabey (GUE) 21-5, Ross Owen (WAL) bt James Po (HKC) 21-12.
Rd.5: Allan Kautu (PNG) bt Soden 21-16, Teys bt Po 21-3, Owen bt Law 21-7, Lakra bt Burnett 21-18.
Rd.6: Teys bt Lakra 21-12, C Rabey bt Law 21-19, Burnett bt Soden 21-7, Owen bt Kautu 21-10.
Rd.7: Soden bt Owen 21-19, Teys bt C Rabey 21-9, Lakra bt Kautu 21-13, Burnett bt Po 21-16.
Current standings: Teys 18 points +70 shots, Owen 15 +38, Lakra 12 +17, Burnett 9 +27, Soden 9 +2, Law 6 -23, Po 6 -25, C Rabey 6 -46, Kautu 3 -60.

Sec.2: Rd.4: Cabous Olivier (NAM) bt Cameron Lefresne (CAN) 21-20, John Byrne (IRE) bt Sercan Yanik (TUR) 21-19, Daeng Dahasry (MAS) bt Jason Choi (HKC) 21-13, Corey Wedlock (AUS) bt Gariga Babona (PNG) 21-18.
Rd.5: Dahasry bt Babona 21-17, Lefresne bt Yanik 21-13, Keanu Darby (NZL) bt Olivier 21-13, Wedlock bt Byrne 21-4.
Rd.6: Choi bt Lefresne 21-11, Darby bt Yanik 21-6, Babona bt Olivier 21-12, Dahasry bt Wedlock 21-20.
Rd.7: Choi bt Wedlock 21-15, Babona bt Byrne 21-19, Darby bt Dahasry 21-13, Olivier bt Yanik 21-9.
Current standings: Wedlock 15 points +40 shots, Dahasry 15 +26, Babona 12 +25, Choi 12 +23, Darby 9 +18, Olivier 9 -12, Lefresne 9 -16, Byrne 3 -24, Yanik 0 -80.

Sec.1: Rd.4: Chloe Stewart (AUS) bt Pricilla Westlake (CAN) 21-11, Ellen Ryan (AUS) bt Jodie McCarthy (WAL) 21-11, Katelyn Inch (NZL) bt Sophie Rabey (GUE) 21-16, Connie Rixon (MAL) bt Angel So (HKC) 21-6.
Rd.5: Inch bt Stewart 21-15, Rixon bt McCarthy 21-18, Westlake bt So 21-17.
Rd.6: S Rabey bt So 21-14, Ryan bt Rixon 21-6, Inch bt McCarthy 21-19.
Rd.7: Westlake bt S Rabey 21-7, Ryan bt So 21-14, Stewart bt Rixon 21-16.
Current standings: Ryan 15 points +41 shoys, Inch 15 +33, Stewart 12 +25, Rixon 12 +17, Westlake 9 +1, S Rabey 3 -39, McCarthy 0 -33, So 0 -45.

Sec.2: Rd.4: Nur Ain Tarmizi (MAS) bt Yunse Ha (HKC) 21-14, Megan Wilson (IRE) bt Alara Tosuner (TUR) 21-4, Tayla Bruce (NZL) bt Carah Webster (CAN) 21-5, Kristina Krstic (AUS) bt Piwena Karkar (PNG) 21-10.
Rd.5: Krstic bt M Wilson 21-9, Webster bt Tosuner 21-1, Shae Wilson (NFI) bt Bruce 21-18, Tarmizi bt Karkar 21-20.
Rd.6: S Wilson bt Tosuner 21-7, Bruce bt Karkar 21-11, Krstic bt Tarmizi 21-16, Webster bt Ha 21-6.
Rd.7: M Wilson bt Karkar 21-8, S Wilson bt Tarmizi 21-15, Bruce bt Tosuner 21-2, Krstic bt Ha 21-5.
Current standings: Krstic 18 points +62 shots, Bruce 15 +67, S Wilson 12 +21, M Wilson 12 +18, Tarmizi 12 +12, Webster 6 -4, Karkar 6 -27, Ha 3 -42, Tosuner 0 -107.

Day 3 at Broadbeach Bowls Club, Queensland

Men’s singles: Sec.1: Rd.1: Ross Owen (WAL) bt Aaron Teys (AUS) 21-12, James Po (HKC) bt Alok Lakra (IND) 21-16, Rory Soden (NZL) bt Connor Rabey (GUE) 21-0, Rob Law (CAN) bt Allan Kautu (PNG) 21-12. Rd.2: Law bt Po 21-20, C Rabey bt Owen 21-17, Teys bt Soden 21-6, Ryan Burnett (SCO) bt Kautu 21-1. Rd.3: Teys bt Kautu 21-4, Owen bt Burnett 21-20, Lakra bt Law 21-17, Po bt C Rabey 21-18.

Current standings: Teys 6 points +23 shots, Po 6 +7, Law 6 +6, Owen 6 +6, Burnett 3 +19, Soden 3 +6, Lakra 3 -1, Rabey 3 -20, Kautu 0 -46.

Sec.2: Rd.1: Corey Wedlock (AUS) bt Sercan Yanik (TUR) 21-10, Cabous Olivier (NAM) bt Jason Choi (HKC) 21-18, Cameron Lefresne (CAN) bt Keanu Darby (NZL) 21-18, Daeng Dahasry (MAS) bt John Byrne (IRE) 21-18. Rd.2: Gariga Babona (PNG) bt Darby 21-16, Lefresne bt Byrne 21-19, Choi bt Yanik 21-5, Wedlock bt Olivier 21-10. Rd.3: Dahasry bt Lefresne 21-3, Wedlock bt Darby 21-16, Babona bt Yanik 21-5, Choi bt Byrne 21-19.

Current standings: Wedlock 9 points +27 shots, Dahasry 6 +21, Babona 6 +21, Choi 2 +15, Lefresne 6 -13, Olivier 3 -8, Byrne 0 -7, Darby 0 -13, Yanik 0 -43.

Women’s singles: Sec.1: Rd.1: PricillaWestlake (CAN) bt Jodie McCarthy (WAL) 21-11, Chloe Stewart (AUS) bt Sophie Rabey (GUE) 21-8, Katelyn Inch (NZL) bt Angel So (HKC) 21-9. Rd.2: Connie Rixon (MAL) bt Westlake 21-16, Ellen Ryan (AUS) bt Inch 21-17, Stewart bt McCarthy 21-13. Rd.3: Inch bt Westlake 21-9, Ryan bt Stewart 21-16, Rixon bt S Rabey 21-7.

Current standings: Inch 6 points +20 shots, Rixon 6 +19, Stewart 6 +16, Ryan 6 +9, Westlake 3 -7, So 0 -12, McCarthy 0 -18, S Rabey 0 -27.

Sec.2: Rd.1: Shae Wilson (NFI) bt Carah Webster (CAN) 21-9, Kristina Krstic (AUS) bt Alara Tosuner (TUR) 21-3, Ain Tarmizi (MAS) bt Megan Wilson (IRE) 21-15, Tayla Bruce (NZL) bt Yunse Ha (HKC) 21-7. Rd.2: M Wilson bt Webster 21-19, Piwena Karkar (PNG) bt S Wilson 21-18, Bruce bt Krstic 21-10, Ha bt Tosuner 21-8. Rd.3: Tarmizi bt Webster 21-12, Karkar bt Tosuner 21-16, Krstic bt S Wilson 21-10, M Wilson bt Ha 21-18.

Current standings: Bruce 6 points +25 shots, Ryan 6 +18, Tarmizi 6 +15, Karkar 6 +8, M Wilson 6 -1, S Wilson 3 -2, Ha 3 -4, Webster 0 -23, Tosuner 0 -36.

Day 2:

Mixed pairs:
Sec.1: Rd.5: Connie Rixon (MAL), Cabous Olivier (NAM) bt Tayla Bruce, Keanu Darby (NZL) 15-11, Nur Ain Tarmizi, Daeng Dahastry (MAS) bt Piwen Karkar, Gariga Babona (PNG) 15-8, Pricilla Westlake, Rob Law (CAN) bt Alara Tosuner, Sercan Yanik (TUR) 24-8, Kristina Krstic, Corey Wedlock (AUS) bt Yunse Ha, Jason Choi (HKC) 19-6
Rd.6: Krstic, Wedlock drew Tarmizi, Dahastry 16-16, Westlake, Law bt Sophie Rabey, Connor Rabey (GUE) 14-9, Bruce, Darby bt Tosuner, Yanik 23-7, Rixon, Olivier bt Karkar, Babona 13-11.
Rd.7: Tarmizi, Dahastry bt Bruce, Darby 16-12, Rixon, Olivier bt Tosuner, Yanik 24-6, Krstic, Wedlock bt S Rabey, C Rabey 28-5, Karkar, Babona bt Ha, Choi 17-10.
Rd.8: Karkar, Babona bt S Rabey, C Rabey 14-12, Rixon, Olivier bt Tarmizi, Dahastry 15-7, Bruce, Darby bt Ha, Choi 24-7, Krstic, Wedlock bt Westlake, Law 17-10.
Current standings: Krstic, Wedlock 22 points +99 shots, Rixon, Olivier 15 +26, Bruce, Darby 12 +21, Westlake, Law 12 +19, Tarmizi, Dahastry 10 +1, Karkar, Babona 9 +7, S Rabey, C Rabey 9 -27, Ha, Choi 6 -29, Tosuner, Yanik 0 -117.

Sec.2: Rd.5: Ellen Ryan, Aaron Teys (AUS) bt Megan Wilson, John Byrne (IRE) 17-8, Katelyn Inch, Rory Soden (NZL) bt Shae Wilson (NFI), Ryan Burnett (SCO) 20-7, Jodie McCarthy, Ross Owen (WAL) bt Carah Webster, Cameron Lefresne (CAN) 22-12
Rd.6: Inch, Soden bt Chloe Stewart (AUS), Allan Kautu (PNG) 21-5, Angel So, James Po (HKC) bt Webster, Lefresne 11-10, Wilson, Burnett bt McCarthy, Owen 21-7
Rd.7: Wilson, Byrne bt Stewart, Kautu 18-11, McCarthy, Owen drew Inch, Soden 11-11, Ryan, Teys bt So, Po 29-2.
Rd.8: Wilson, Burnett bt Wilson, Byrne 18-8, Stewart, Kautu bt So, Po 15-9, Ryan, Teys bt Webster, Lefresne 21-7.
Current standings: Ryan, Teys 18 points +70 shots, Wilson, Burnett 15 +37, Inch, Soden 10 +21, McCarthy, Owen 10 -10, So, Po 9 -19, Stewart, Kautu 6 -36, Webster, Lefresne 3 -20, Wilson, Byrne 3 -43.

Day 1:

Mixed pairs:
Sec.1: Rd.1: Kristina Krstic, Corey Wedlock (AUS) bt Alara Tosuner, Sercan Yanik (TUR) 36-4, Tayla Bruce, Keanu Darby (NZL) bt Pricilla Westlake, Rob Law (CAN) 14-13, Sophie Rabey, Connor Rabey (GUE) bt Connie Rixon (MAL), Cabous Olivier (NAM) 13-12, Nur Ain Tarmizi, Daeng Dahastry (MAS) bt Yunse Ha, Jason Choi (HKC) 16-8.
Rd.2: Krstic, Wedlock bt Rixon, Olivier 16-8, Westlake, Law bt Ha, Choi 13-8, S Rabey, C Rabey bt Tosuner, Yanik 15-10, Bruce, Darby bt Piwen Karkar, Gariga Babona (PNG) 18-11.
Rd.3: Krstic, Wedlock bt Bruce, Darby 22-10, Westlake, Law bt Tarmizi, Dahastry 13-9, Ha, Choi bt S Rabey, C Rabey 20-11, Karkar, Babona bt Tosuner, Yanik 23-5.
Rd.4: Ha, Choi bt Tosuner, Yanik 23-11, Rixon, Olivier bt Westlake, Law 12-9, Krstic, Wedlock bt Karkar, Babona 18-14, S Rabey, C Rabey bt Tarmizi, Dahastry 15-9.
Current standings: Krstic, Wedlock 12 points +56 shots, S Rabey, C Rabey 9 +3, Ha, Choi 6+8, Westlake, Law 6 +5, Bruce, Darby 6 -4, Karkar, Babona 3 +7, Tarmizi, Dahastry 3 -2, Rixon, Olivier 3 -6, Tosuner, Yanik 0 -67.

Sec.2: Rd.1: Ellen Ryan, Aaron Teys (AUS) bt Jodie McCarthy, Ross Owen (WAL) 18-10, Shae Wilson (NFI), Ryan Burnett (SCO) bt Carah Webster, Cameron Lefresne (CAN) 16-11, Angel So, James Po (HKC) bt Katelyn Inch, Rory Soden (NZL) 18-12,
Rd.2: Wilson, Burnett bt Chloe Stewart (AUS), Allan Kautu (PNG) 17-6, McCarthy, Owen bt So, Po 13-12, Webster, Lefresne bt Megan Wilson, John Byrne (IRE) 23-5, Ryan, Teys bt Inch, Soden 21-11.
Rd.3: Wilson, Burnett bt Ryan, Teys 20-10, So, Po bt Wilson, Byrne 16-8, Stewart, Kautu bt McCarthy, Owen 13-9
Rd.4: Inch, Soden bt Webster, Lefresne 18-10, McCarthy, Owen bt Wilson, Byrne 16-11, Ryan, Teys bt Stewart, Kautu 17-5.
Current standings: Wilson, Burnett 9 points +26 shots, Ryan, Teys 9 +20, So, Po 6 +13, McCarthy, Owen 6 -6, Webster, Lefresne 3 +5, Inch, Soden 3 -8, Stewart, Kautu 3 -19, Wilson, Byrne 0 -31.

Results can be found at http://www.worldbowls.com/event/world-youth-championships/

Come on Wales!

World Youth Champs

There is an updated Safeguiding Policy and Good Practice Guide available on our Safeguarding page. 

Click here for Safeguarding page

Fantastic news from the Champion of Champions in Australia - David Kingdon wins Bronze and Laura Daniels wins Gold.

After coming first in his Section, David went straight through to the Semi-Finals where he narrowly lost to eventual gold medal winner Aaron Teys, securing Bronze Medal.

Laura came third in her section, won her Quarter Final against Nici Neal from South Africa, then beat Selina Goddard of New Zealand in the semi-finals to go through to the final against Emma Saroji from Malaysia. The final went down to a tie-break which Laura won 5 shots to 1 securing the Gold for Wales

Many congratulations to David and Laura on their fantastic achievements.

A free training course is being run at Interlink, 6 Melin Corrwg, Upper Boat, PONTYPRIDD. CF37 5BE on Saturday 20th September 2017.

Safeguarding Children & Young People
9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Safeguarding Adults
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

The 2019 Atlantic Championships tournament venues will be Barry Athletic BC, Dinas Powys B C, Penarth Windsor B C, Penylan B C, and Sophia Gardens B C. Congratulations all.

Congratulations to Chris Ashman, Phil Robins and Paul Taylor on winning the Triples and Brian, Stuart, David and Robert Weale on winning the Fours at the British Isles Championships in Ireland.

Congratulations to ITO Umpire Paul Watkins who has been selected to Umpire at the Commonwealth Games in Broadbeach, Australia in 2018.

We are so proud of Daniel Salmon on becoming Junior World Champion at the Junior World Championships at Broadbeach Bowls Club in Australia. Dan beat Australian Corey Wedlock in the final to claim the gold medal.

Very many congratulations, fantastic achievement!